In collaboration with the Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation (MOHR), MTI holds quarterly trainings focused on organizational transformation. These are free and open to any employment and day service provider in Minnesota. MOHR supports the MTI team to select training topics that are relevant to Minnesota providers interested in transformation and to identify trainers from MOHR member organizations with experience in the training topic.

Upcoming Trainings

Thursday February 13, 2025 from 1p - 2:30p CT

Jolene Juhl – Senior Employment Services Manager, and Lindsay Alexander – Regional Rehabilitation Supervisor, with Minnesota State-Operated Community Services (MSOCS) will discuss how they are leveraging assistive technology to support competitive integrated employment outcomes for the individuals they work with. The presenters will also share some of the free trainings their teams use to understand what assistive technology is available to support job seekers. Representatives from the MN STAR and ERAF programs will explain the resources available for employers and service recipients to obtain assistive technology for free or at a reduced cost. Lastly, an individual will share their experience of how using assistive technology helps them in their job.

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