In collaboration with the Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation (MOHR), MTI holds quarterly trainings focused on organizational transformation. These are free and open to any employment and day service provider in Minnesota. MOHR supports the MTI team to select training topics that are relevant to Minnesota providers interested in transformation and to identify trainers from MOHR member organizations with experience in the training topic.

Upcoming Trainings

November 07, 2024 from 1p - 2:30p CT

Margie Webb MS, CRC - Customized Employment Specialist with Vocational Rehabilitation Services, will explain how we can improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities through Customized Employment (CE) and the Discovery Process. She will highlight how CE differs from other methods of supporting individuals in finding competitive, integrated employment, detailing the referral process and funding. Michelle McDonald - Executive Director of Lake County DAC, will share how her organization has implemented CE and Discovery into their employment strategy, showcasing successful employment outcomes.

Register for the November 7th training!